Hairy, Scary, Weather
The wind has seem to diminish to a mild calm purring kitty cat settling down to sleep. It was whipping around with a slight wind howling with someone dumping sheets of rain down on the ground where a big splashing sound would have been made. This is what the weather TV people call a Feeder Band. I know once the daylight creeps in all the TV people will be down on the beach to point out how much sand erosion took place. I heard the dollar sign attached to the beach renourishment project and the statement saying it had been wiped out in the last 24 hours. I am glad the storm isn't hanging around here. The latest path has it moving up the East Coast and crossing over Jacksonville back into the State of Florida. I like the water this storm has left here. Plus the fact, all our trees are still standing. Non has fallen during the storm. The water is needed for our Aquafer and to water our yard.
I wonder where the birds go when the weather is totally wet? I have heard and have seen bird island. Do they all huddle there in the wet weather? The pelicans, seagulls, and Egrets are doing what with their time? How about those gopher turtles? I bet they are pretty unhappy to have water gushing down their hole in the ground which is also their home. The gopher turtle which was next door did not want to be disturbed . The times I was too close, he would hiss at me. The neighbor moved the turtle when he put rocks in his yard. I assume this turtle built a new home and is happy at the new location.
It is a nice feeling to be safe and dry while listening to the rain outside my window. I also like the coolness from the air conditioner. It makes for a nice artificial environment while drinking my first hot cup of coffee. Mom gets the Daytona paper during the week. I imagine it may be totally soaked. I think of those kids in Orlando having to drag themselves out of bed and getting ready for school again while other kids in neighboring counties can sleep in. I heard the schools were already arranging makeup days.
At 6:04 AM,
Lew said…
I don't mind the wind and the rain. But not the electricity going out because that is what makes the air conditioner run. So far so good and I am not expecting the electric to go out but all it takes is one small tree limb to fall on the power line. And you are right about the weather people. Each station will have multiple crews out there. Don't be surprised to look out your window and see a news team broadcasting. On the weather radar it looks like at the present time that you are receiving the brunt of the storm. Good luck and stay safe.
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