Saturday will probablby be stockup day at the stores
Remember the show " Leave it to Beaver?" Beaver's problems would be solved in an hour and life would be perfect again. There were no Casey and Cay lee stories in "Leave it to Beaver. There were no hurricanes like Gustav or Hanna threatening the coastlines of Louisiana and Florida. In fact, I can only recall maybe one episode where Beaver talks with the guy at the fire station and it might have rained a little. The latest on Casey is that she was re arrested for stealing checks and using them. I don't know if Casey will get out again or remain in Jail. This is the next exciting episode in the made for television movie which will probably make someone very rich. I am glued to the TV to find out what will happen next? The storms also have both mom and I paying close attention to be sure we don't get caught without an escape plan. Mom and I stuck it out at home with Tropical Storm Fay who just hung around. The hurricanes would probably mean higher winds and possibly roof damage. Power usually goes out for a while. There is such a sense of isolation when the power goes out. I feel so out of touch with the world. I can not use the computer. I can not make the coffee or watch television. I go to flip the light on in the bathroom and nothing happens. Last time, I was glad it was daylight. It is much harder using a flashlight or one of those little light lamps to find my way around in the bathroom. After I exit the bathroom, I have to take the flashlight or little light lamp and find my way back to my bed. The air conditioning would be off and the ceiling fan would be dead as a doornail without electricity. I do have a tiny portable battery fan, but the batteries need to be changed out. It won't work without fresh batteries. I hear no outside chirping crickets from inside the house. It seems pretty peaceful right now. I hope it remains like this for along time.
At 6:58 AM,
Lew said…
Nice picture of racial harmony. Everyone should get along without regards to race and be judged on their own personal merits or demerits. Hopefully Obama will usher in a new era of racial, religious, and cultural unity. I saw an interview with Jerry Mathers who played the Beaver. He told how after the show went off the air he had difficulty finding work and was reduced to working as a bartender. He said that the customers would tease and poke fun at him. A humiliating experience. Remember Gary Coleman? I saw him in an interview where he told of being a security guard in a small shopping center in Los Angeles. I hope that they are both doing better now. Better stock up on supplies before the storms reach you. Canned goods are nice because they don't need any refrigeration. What canned goods to get? Maybe sardines. When I lived in Phoenix I had a neighbor Ralph. He and I would go hunting together. On long hunting trips (full day or two days) he would always take the same thing. Can of sardines in oil and a box of Ritz crackers. Now if you have a weak constitution, don't read any further. When meal time came, he would open the can of sardines in oil, put the can to his lips slowly tipping it up, and drink the oil down. Then he would eat the sardines and the crackers. Revolting to watch. I would usually take a can of beef stew. So which is it for you and your mom, cans of sardines in oil with Ritz crackers or cans of beef stew? May I suggest the beef stew. Bon apetit. Lew
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