It is Primary Voting Day
The sun is coming up and my sister is at the voting place in Williston, Florida getting the booths ready for the voters. It looks to be a nice morning at the beach with rains in the afternoon. There is a summer bug outside bellowing a fast fluttery cha,cha,cha. There is another bug with a slower drawn out chi chi chi sound. These are happy sounds of after a rain storm summer. An orchestra of bug music mostly ignored by man.
Mom and I watched the Democratic Convention last night. I missed the part with Jimmy Carter, but I did catch Ted Kennedy's speech. Plus, I stayed to watch Michelle Obama talk about her husband Barrack Obama. Barrack Obama will be the Candidate for the Democrats on Thursday. Tonight is the Clintons. Hillary and Bill will be supporting Barrack and hopefully stirring the crowd up for support.
At 6:53 AM,
Blueherun said…
The election process has been completely taken away from the citizens of this country. It is all rigged and I am no longer taking part in a corrupt system.
Don't play into their hype and BS, you are only giving them more power to play with you.
True America will rise again!
At 6:53 AM,
Blueherun said…
The election process has been completely taken away from the citizens of this country. It is all rigged and I am no longer taking part in a corrupt system.
Don't play into their hype and BS, you are only giving them more power to play with you.
True America will rise again!
At 3:48 PM,
Lew said…
The bug outside may be a circadia. When I lived in New York I would find their empty shells on trees after molting. What I have here is the "caw, caw, caw" of crows. It reminds me of Addie Dingman's camp because there were always crows there making the same noise. But sometimes bug music can't be ignored by man. Especially a cricket chirping after having gone to bed. Get up and turn on the light to search for the cricket, the chirping stops. Turn the light off and go back to bed. Within a minute or two the chirping starts up again. Get up, turn on the light to find the cricket, the chircping stops. This can go on all night long. I found it best to just stay in bed and eventually fall asleep from exhaustion in spite of the chirping. But you are right, the sounds of nature are there to comfort us. What would the world be like without them. I saw part of Ted Kennedy and what a brave man to push himself to attend the convention when he has metastatic brain cancer. He has a tough road ahead of him. I am looking forward to the presidential debates. I told Mary that I would like to watch them. The presidential debates which I liked best were the Kennedy/Nixon and the Reagan/Carter debates. Have a nice day. Lew
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