Yesterday a co-worker was bringing in groceries he bought from Sam's Club. The prices are suppose to be cheaper if you buy their groceries in bulk. He had bought some buttermilk, sticks of regular butter and some half & half. He had talked about getting some heavy whipping cream. I thought he was going to cook up some buttermilk biscuits and maybe a walnut pie or my favorite, pecan pie with heavy whip cream. He says he uses the half & half on his cereal. I haven't really seen him cook anything exotic, but he says he watches the food channel and cooking shows. The last dessert I remember him making was Death by Chocolate which was really good. I guess with the stuff he was getting, it got me to think of cooler weather when a good roast with buttermilk biscuits and walnut pie would be in fashion. I think the cooler weather will take a long while to come here if at all.
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