Starbucks needs a drive up window

I am about to get my first cup of coffee from Barnes. On my trip into Orlando, I had a few spare moments yesterday to stop at Starbucks for a Venti Mocha Frappachino. This drink the Venti Mocha Frap. is an ice cold coffee, chocolate with maybe a bit of expresso flavor to give that extra zip. I don't know for sure, because I never asked contents of the ingredients. I also had purchased a cookie and another little dessert. When I walked outside with my treats for the day, I saw this Seminole County Deputy circle the parking lot where my truck was parked and pull in close to the building behind this hot little red car parked next to Starbucks. The deputy got out and just stood there waiting patiently for the owner to come out. There were no flashing lights and he hadn't even called it in yet. I looked at the deputy and inside I wanted to give him my cookie to make his day better, but I refrained. I made my way across the parking lot like the crabs returning to the sea. I found my truck and saw the unlucky owner show his license and the deputy called it in and was starting to issue a ticket. The driver had parked in a no parking zone and the deputy had him on a clear violation. I left Starbucks thinking that they needed a drive up window. I am sure I would be a customer.
At 4:10 AM,
Villager said…
Good writing, the last four entries. Keep it up!
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