What is our future?
I use to wonder where all the money to run our country was generated. First, it was millions, then it was billions and finally trillions. This is more than I will see in my life time. I could not imagine being in a room with all those amounts of money. How does America run with those vast amounts of money? If I could imagine what to do with those vast amounts, I would imagine a grand country with streets of gold. There would be no starvation. No one would be without a job. Everyone would have a grand place to live and there would be no violence anywhere. Also, we the USA would have the most advance space program in the universe. Now a check in with reality. The streets of gold are the widening of a two lane bridge on State Road 415 to a four lane bridge. Also, the widening of a four lane State Road 434 to a six lane 434 minus some trees and houses. Plus, a bullet train which will link Orlando to Tampa in the year 2015. The no starvation is all the aid that has been mustard up for Haiti's victims, but meantime we still have the homeless here in Orlando who are only remembered around the Christmas and Easter holidays. No one without a job has not been achieved yet, but I do have the chance along with countless others to apply for a job today. I like my place to live because it is home. It may not be as fancy as other places, but it is cozy and a soft place for me to land when times get tough. The violence is there, but seems so pointless. No one wins and no one is happy. The space program is suffering a severe job cut and goal destruction. The Ares rocket has been eliminated from the budget. The goal is to turn the rockets over to private companies to build and launch. Is this a good decision? Can private companies do as well as NASA and their budgets of the past? If there is an accident and people get killed, who is held responsible? Does the things we left on the moon get taken over by the Chinese? Can Russia be relied upon to take us to the space station and back home again? Is there a future for NASA? Time will be the deciding factor on all issues past and present. We will see tomorrow what the results are from today's decisions.
At 3:13 PM,
Lew said…
I hope that your job interview went well. I think that the job market is really tight right now. Good luck and best wishes on the job search. Lew
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