Home on Sunday
I missed out on the Images Arts festival. The weather just wasn't the kind of fun weather I would want to be outside looking at painting. Plus, mom said it was packed and there was no parking spaces. I did see some good Bonanza and had a good meatloaf dinner with baked potatoes and sugar free cookies for dessert. My sister went to a Medieval festival where there was a human chess board and jousting. I will have to wait until morning to find out how she liked it. It was cool, windy and gray outside. I need a sunny day so I can hang out clothes on the clothes line.
At 3:15 PM,
Lew said…
In the picture what is producing the red dot in the carport? Something must be reflecting the light. Reminds me of the house that I lived in Miami which faced south. The sunlight would shine onto the little peephole on the front door. The sunlight would pass through the lenses of the peephole and cast a rainbow of color on the wall in the living room. A neat effect just like your red dot.
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