daily work

The weekends are fun, but they are too short. I just finished a week of work not including the Memorial holiday which came on a Monday. After being let go from the same place I am working at now in the beginning of 2002, I got spoiled with so much free time to play around and do my own thing. My mom was still working at the time and I would ride into work with her and visit people that I haven't seen in a good while. I would go to the local Burger King and have my fancy breakfast. I would do volunteer work at a place that I worked at long before being layed off. I found purpose in helping my friends out with their task of work. I also had the freedom to come and go as I pleased. My time was still mine. After a while, I was called back to work part time which was 25 hours and took away some of my time. I still found purpose in working and getting projects done. Now I am still working at the same place with lots more hours. I am working 40 hours and have barely any time for play, except on the weekends. I will have to do my main celebrating on the weekends, because my birthday falls on a Thursday. It is like I am still going to school. My work clothes are like uniform type outfits. I work in a building where I don't see the outside or breath in the outside air. At lunch time and time to go home, my eyes have to adjust to the brightness of the light from the outside. It is time to let the ground hogs out to play. However, I kind of like my fortress of work. I have lots of privacy, because people don't want to deal with me unless they need my services. I have a radio to keep me company and once in a while a co-worker will pop in to talk which they stay ever so briefly. They have projects that are required for them to get done. I called my sister and jokingly said "I heard you have more time on your hands." She had just be fired or let go. Someone was waiting in the wings just to take over her work environment. She didn't have time to even earn a vacation.
At 12:35 PM,
seaside said…
I like you. You seem to have a positive attitude no matter what. Keep up the good outlook.
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