The sea is like a big calm lake. It shows little wave movement except close to shore.
I like walking barefoot through the water when it is icy cold. I like looking out into the distance and have nothing looking back. I see very few ships out on the water. Once in a great while there will be some shrimp boats and occasional sail boats. The sand has been pumped back onto the shoreline from a near island. The wave action along with the wind has smoothed out the sand so it doesn't stand out as different. The air is always so fresh close to the shoreline, because there usually is a ocean breeze. No matter if there is a wild fire close by, the wind from the ocean will be a natural barrier. The best times to see the ocean is early in the morning or towards the evening as long as the no seeums aren't biting you. The no seeums are like miniature mosquitos and bite the scalp and legs and back where it is hard to scratch and is very open and exposed to attack. The sea is a treasure of stories and doesn't change. The land around the sea gets torn down by storms and rebuilt by man more tightly bonded together with each other and bigger. The trees and the land are being replaced by big condos and lots of paving and asphalt.
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