turkey talk

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I had another normal day of filing at work. There is another person who eats lunch with me and we travel to different restaurants and today it was the Ocoee Diner. I got a meal which I shared with a co-worker when I returned to work and he went off to Minnesota to visit where he use to live. Tomorrow is the first day of June and the start of hurricane season for the State of Florida. I didn't buy anything on the tax free days of getting hurricane supplies. Florida has had it share of wildfires and I dread the idea of hurricanes coming back this direction. The past couple of years was filled with worry and travel to the center part of the state where my sister lives. Living with power outages is hard, but my sister has a swimming pool to keep cool and have water to flush the toilets. A rose takes lots of preparation to grow to a full bloom. The plant needs water, fertilizer, trimming back after blooming and stuff to keep the bugs away. I guess that is the best way to face the season. Be prepared and buy the drinking water, batteries for radios and flashlights, and enough food to last if the power does go out. I was remembering how scary Hurricane Charley was when it came it was like a big dark black blanket taking everything over and allowing no room for escape. The wind was scary and the power did go out and I think we did have a small tornado that took our tool shed out back, but it left us together to face another day. We got coffee at the local store which was Publix and the aftermath of down signal lights and trees being pushed as if a giant had stepped on them or sat on them was overwhelming. The signal lights also caused unrest, because no one was sure how to treat them like four way stop signs. I guess I should only worry about here and now and deal with the future when I get there.


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