Monday travel to Osteen and back home
This is a happier flower picture. The sunflower is the center piece in the kitchen. We made a honey run to Osteen to get some Gallberry honey for my coffee. We also picked up some cheap reading glasses from Dollar Tree. One thing I can say is the shape of the cheap glasses gives me a different look. It is no big loss if they break because they only cost a dollar. Mom made a roast tonight for dinner. We also had some broccoli and a salad.
At 7:08 AM,
Lew said…
I didn't know that you had a hibiscus plant. It looks like you have it in a glass with some of those gelatinous beads that are suppose to keep your plant watered. How well does it work for you? How long do the beads last before they must be discarded?
I use those inexpensive magnifying glasses also. My problem is that the lenses get scratched after about a year and then I need to go get a new pair. I also keep a pair in the side door of the truck for when we go to the library.
Cut some of the left over roast beef real thin. Put it into a hoagie bun. Make up some of that French onion soup from a package of mix and then dip the hoagie roast beef sandwich into the onion soup and you have a French dip sandwich. Yummy. Enjoy your sandwich. Lew
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