Just an ordinary day
"Leave poor Tiger Woods alone." Please, not another Tiger Wood's story." I wonder if there are other people out there who feel the way I do? There are so many more necessary things to talk about such as: lack of jobs, hunger in America, and taking care of our families. Tonight will be the speech by President Obama about America in War. I hope he says some things which are worth while. Meantime, I will batten down the hatches to get ready for the line of thunder showers coming through tomorrow. The weatherman says to get the weather radio ready. Tonight, dinner was hamburgers and a little bit of chips. I don't know what tomorrow will be. I do know mom got a pork loin roast. I think this would be pretty good for a Wednesday dinner.
At 5:57 AM, Lew said…
Ordinary day? It may seem that way but there are lot's of people who would like to live next to the ocean (except during hurricane season). What a wonderful beach scene in the picture. Must be nice. Does your mom make mashed potatoes and cole slaw to go with the pork roast? I can just imagine the aroma of the baking pork roast. What timne is supper? Just kidding. Have a nice day. Lew
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