Events around Halloween
It is getting near Halloween. Mom doesn't expect young kids in costume to come to our door. This reminds me of when I lived in Oakland, Florida and my dad would want the trick or treaters to come to the door. He wanted to see what they looked like. I wanted to give out candy as soon as they said "trick or treat." I like the old black and white movies such as " The blob." This is what I want to enjoy around Saturday. My friend Dee is going up North with a friend to see the Pandas. She is going both to Memphis and Atlanta. I told her she might encounter snow. I know the snow is coming down up North. My other friend Russ Williams is facing surgery. I found this out through his friend Martha Bird. According to what she wrote, I vote for option one. I hope it works out for you and you are able to dance again.
At 7:30 AM,
Lew said…
I know that this sounds crazy, but in the enlarged mode of the picture, the shape of the head of the bottom pelican reminds me of a pteryldactyl, the flying dinosuar. I think that it is because of the laong large beak. I have probably been watching too many Jurassic Park type movies. As for the old black and white movies, I still like the original black and white version of the movie The Day the Earth Sttod Still better than the remake. The same is true for The Invasion of the Body Satchers. I also like the early sci-fi like Them, Man from Planet-X, and a bunch of others. But for modern movies, I prefer color. The colors in the original version of The War of the Worlds were spectacular. I have saeen the orginal version so many times that I can almost recite the lines as the movie plays. Probably my all-time favorite movie. Have a nice day and stay inside where it is cool. Lew
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