Saturday with Holly and Berry

It is Saturday and I know I am a bit late with writing on the blog. Instead of my usual routine of getting a cup of hot coffee with honey in it. I got the coffee and kind of crawled back asleep on the couch. Saturdays are wonderful for spending more time with the dogs and watching tv. Holly is like the class clown. I took her and Berry out in the back yard. Holly rolled and rolled on her back like she could do this all day. On the other hand, Berry is like a drama queen who must be the center of attention. She makes it seem like she is focusing her attention on someone by yapping at them. In reality, she wants them to be at her beck and call. She wants her walks when she is ready and she wants to eat when she is ready and you dare not to leave her alone. Her motherly type of instinct shows when she moans and wines, until she is assured that everything will be ok in her world.
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