Have you ever tried to change a light bulb around 2:30 in the morning? This happened to me last night as I was going into the bathroom. The bathroom fixture is actually a two light with a cover on the front. The other light bulb had burned out and I neglected to get it fixed right away. I went into the bathroom and the one light remaining blows like a small pop as soon as I flip on the switch and everything in the bathroom goes dark. I go into my bedroom to get the flashlight radio which has a flashlight that can guide me into replacing the light bulbs. I first get the step ladder and then take off the cover with lots of dust and some dead bugs. Afterwards, I unscrew the lightbulbs and find out they are 60 watt so this is what I have to get for a replacement. Fortunely, I do have some fresh lightbulbs and I do screw them into the light fixtures. I turn on the light switch and they work perfectly. I then wash the cover and stick it into the sink strainer to dry for a couple of hours. I know when I get up this would be my only remaining task. When I got up later I got the cover placed on top of the lights and the end piece screwed in and the whole fixture was fixed. I got up this morning and made my two pots of coffee. One regular and one with Chocolate Cherry cordial flavor. The world seems ok in front of the computer. Mom and I did see the shuttle launch at the beach yesterday and neighbors setting fireworks on our street last night. It was two spetacular shows right at home. I am glad the shuttle crew made it ok into space. This made it a good Fourth of July.
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