turkey talk

Friday, July 21, 2006

Friday is here

I just noticed with yesterday's writing that I used Berry's picture twice. She is a very popular girl dog. My coffee is just finishing perking. I got up around 4:30 this morning. The dogs are partly up. They start stirring after five waiting for mom to get up. She is the focus of their affections. They slept real good overnight without any trouble at all. They may be gone today or possibly tomorrow. My drive to work and back was trouble free and nothing different. I had my music going and I had bought gas in Ocoee for 2.82 a gallon. I found no place cheaper. The dogs have started to get up so I must take care of their needs for maybe the last time until their owners go on vacation again.


  • At 3:32 AM, Blogger Villager said…

    Your daily blog is interesting and revealing. Love you and who you are.


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