The day after the memorial service and it is Sunday with birds chirping that morning is here. Over at the beach, there are no roosters crowing so I guess it is the job of other birds to start the day. Sometimes when you think you have taken pictures with your digital camera, but find no pictures when you try to down load can be disappointing. I find myself again relying on memory to paint a picture when I feel the digital camera would do a more vivid job and bring the events to life. The service was nice and I enjoyed myself until the middle of the afternoon when the heat was beating down directly and it seemed to be no escape from sweating and baking. I wanted to be in a cold air conditioning place where I could pretend it was really 40 or 50 degrees outside. I was melting like candle wax and I needed the coolest place around Orlando which would be the mall. After the service, I thought I had captured the little girls playing in the plastic pool next door until I got home and realize the pictures weren't there. I also missed my sister falling backwards in her plastic chair with her feet sticking up in the air. I guess it was so hot the the girls in the pool decided to run around in there birthday suits. I am not sorry to miss that, but I am sorry not to see the embarrassing look of horror of the parents. Those kids will hear about it from their parents for the next twenty years. My mom and I saw Prairie Home Companion the movie for the second time. We saw it with my sister which it was her first time and she enjoyed it a lot. My mom and sister like Merryl Streep and think she has a lot of talent. I guess the best part of the day for me is getting home and unloading my good clothes and getting back into my comfortable everyday type clothes that no one but me would enjoy.
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